Tuesday, October 28, 2008

JesseM Presidential Predictions

McCain 48% Obama 51%


  1. I'd love for this to play out, but I think New Mexico is a lost cause.

  2. Mr. Kees Thompson, Jessie's prediction is exactly how I could see McCain winning. Though i'd agree about NM

  3. Interesting Jesse...It's like the Bradley Effect on steroids...somewhat plausible...somewhat

  4. No chance. Obama has a 7 point lead in NV, 7 in New Mexico, and 6 or more in Ohio.....

  5. It all depends on who actually shows up to the polls...and not to be stereotypical, but I don't think Vegas (the blue part of the state)is known for being a bastion of citizenship.

  6. I agree that if McCain wins this is how he would do it. But unless we see a mass extinction of liberals across the country the chances are looking rather slim.

  7. Yup. If McCain were to win, this is how he'd do it. I suppose that if this were to happen, the election of 2008 will go down in the books for much more than the reasons it already will be.

  8. Wow, what a comeback it would be if McCain could really pull off wins in Florida, Ohio, New Mexico, Nevada, and Virginia. Of course I don't really see that happening but you never know.

  9. He's the "Comeback Kid" though right? Although, if he were to pull off such a comeback, something tells me New Hampshire would have to play some sort of role...
