Saturday, October 25, 2008

Henry's Presidential Election Map

<p><strong>><a href=''>2008 Election Contest: Pick Your President</a></strong> - Predict the winner of the 2008 presidential election.</p>

I still think McCain is going to win it, I just have no idea how he's gonna pull it off.

(I'm making another map the night before the election)

Obama 49%
McCain 45%


  1. Are you serious about Wyoming? Obama has absolutely no chance of winning that state. The Bradley Effect will make the election much closer than what people have predicted yet the weakened economy will give Obama the victory.

  2. Well Henry, you definitely win the "most optimistic award." I'm afraid that I agree with Diego...the Bradley Effect may be huge in Wyoming.

    Personally, I'm less optimistic for Obama in PA, but that's just my view...and as for most everthing else...pretty plausible picks.

    Who would've ever guessed that Alaska would go Red, and Hawaii Blue?!?

  3. I hightly doubt WY will vote Obama. I think that Bradley Effect or not, even if Obama was so quote "American" that his family arrived on the Mayflower, WY would still not vote for him because he is a democrat and it is historically a very republican state.

  4. Massachusetts...going Blue? Henry, this is by far the worst map I've ever seen.

  5. wow. I did not mean to keep Wyoming blue. i thought I clicked it twice..

    I guess my real numbers are: Obama 311 McCain 226

    Sorry guys..
