Saturday, October 25, 2008

KellyJ Presidential Prediction Map

<p><strong>><a href=''>2008 Election Contest: Pick Your President</a></strong> - Predict the winner of the 2008 presidential election.</p>

Obama: 48%
McCain: 50%


  1. I'm not sure how Obama's gonna win North Carolina AND Virginia. Both are hardcore red states. It may be close in Virginia, but I can't see how McCain will not have a landslide victory in North Carolina

  2. It's a hunch. Normally large cities vote Democratic and carry the rest of the state. I feel that Raleigh and Charlotte are definately voting Obama, and will possibly carry the entire state. We shall see

  3. I agree with Diego. Edwards, a Senator from NC, couldn't even help carry it in 2004. As for Raleigh and Charlotte, they are cities, but not in the same sense that Philadelphia or Cleavland are cities.

  4. But Obama did dominate North Carolina in the Primaries and there is a lot of enthusiasm for him in the state. This isn't to say that he will win, but it will be a fight for McCain. Also, after last night's rally with Bill Clinton, Florida seemed to be Obamas.

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  6. Ive been to NC recently and I think the tide is turning. Obama has been campaigning hard and has been steadily increasing support while McCain peaked in mid September and has been falling of since. Unfortunately u give PA to McCain??? really???? Obama is slaughtering in the polls..... really i have to ask: what were you thinking?

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